The Middle School ministry at Messiah encourages 6th-8th graders to grow in their relationship to God and to each other through Biblical teaching, team building and community service.
Sundays: Middle Schoolers meet together for Bible study at 9:30 a.m. in the Middle School Room. This is an excellent/informal way for middle schoolers to connect with other students with similar interests and experiences.
Wednesdays: On Wednesdays during the school year, we gather together at our Wednesday Night Family Programs for a meal, a little fun and some Lutheran education from our pastors via a three-year discipleship program called Confirmation. This is a great chance to meet other teens and begin Christ-centered friendships, grow in your understanding of God, the Bible and what it means to be a Christian today.
While generally thought of as the “hoops one has to jump through” to be confirmed at the end of the three years, we don’t do that here! This is a time in which teens come together and spend time in both large group and small group activities/learning.
Monthly Jr. High Noon:: Once a month we get together after worship for Jr. High Noon, where we connect and support each other as we learn more about Jesus and God’s Word. .
Annual Events
Various servant events: Middle Schoolers frequently go out into the community to serve. Dates are announced.
Fall Confirmation Camp: 8th Graders head off each September for a weekend of intensive team building, learning, sharing and worship at Camp Lutherhoma in Talequah.
District Middle School Youth Gathering: Each year in the fall, middle schoolers from throughout the state of Oklahoma gather for some fun, games and worship over an entire weekend.
Vacation Bible School: Our Middle schoolers are an integral part of our volunteer force for this, Messiah’s largest outreach event of the year. VBS usually occurs the 2nd full week after school is out in June.
To connect with current events and find out additional details, join us on our Band App and/or check out our Facebook Page