High School

Messiah has a very active High School Ministry. This ministry encourages 9th-12th grade students to grow in their relationship with God and each other through Biblical teaching, relevant events and community service..

Sundays:  High School students meet together for Bible study at 9:30 a.m. in the High School Youth Room.  This is an excellent/informal way for students to connect with other students with similar interests and experiences.

Wednesdays: On Wednesdays during the school year, we gather together at our Wednesday Night Family Programs for a meal, a little fun and some more intensive digging into God’s Word together.

Monthly Sunday Night Live (SNL): Once a month we get together on a Sunday evening for some planned activities together. This is another great way to connect with other students who may not attend the same school, but share common cares and concerns. .

Annual Events

Various servant events:  High School students frequently go out into the community to serve.  Dates are announced.

OK’D in Christ:  District high school youth gathering.  Takes place each November either in Oklahoma City or Tulsa. Dates are announced.

Vacation Bible School:  High School students play an integral part of our volunteer force for this annual event, VBS is Messiah’s largest outreach event of the year.  VBS usually occurs the 2nd full week after school is out in June.

National Youth Gathering:  Every three years, Lutheran youth gather together from all over the United States for a week of fun, worship and service.

For more information about our Middle School programs, please contact our Youth Director, Amber Runge at (405) 946-0681 or arunge@messiahokc.org

To connect with current events and find out additional details, join us on our Band App and/or check out our Facebook Page