Liturgical Worship

Messiah Lutheran Church

Join for our service that follows our Lutheran Hymnal orders of worship and traditional hymns.

Sunday Morning Adult Classes

Messiah Lutheran Church

There are many classes to choose from. For information about class details, contact Myron Harms at 946-0681.

Multi-Generational Worship

Messiah Lutheran Church

Join us for this service which blends the best of our traditional worship and hymns with contemporary songs and a more relaxed order of worship.

Kingdom Kids Christmas Program – Sing a Song of Christmas

Messiah Lutheran Church

Our Messiah children will once again be helping to lead a special Christmas worship. Please joing us as we hear the traditional Christmas story and share in singing together our […]

Kingdom Kids Christmas Program

Messiah Lutheran Church

Join us as our young children present their Christmas program called Sing a Song of Christmas.