Music Ministry


Messiah has a very active music ministry that we are proud of. There are several types of music/accompaniment that we offer to our worship services. Any of these areas are also available for those seeking to serve using their musical talents.

Choir: The Choir sings at our Sunday morning services and all are welcome to join. Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7:00pm-8:30pm. The choir sings a variety of classical and modern choral works and strives to enhance the Sunday morning worship experience.

Handbell Choir: The Handbell Choir plays at Sunday morning worship once a month and rehearsals are Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. All are welcome to join this unique music ensemble. no experience necessary, we will teach you!

Brass Ensemble: The Brass Ensemble plays for Holiday and Special Services. Experience and proficiency with your chosen brass instrument is required. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed.

SoulFire: SoulFire, our contemporary worship ensemble, helps lead worship at our 10:45am Sunday Services. SoulFire welcomes experienced instrumentalists, vocalists, and sound technicians. Rehearsals are Tuesday from 7:00pm-8:30pm.

If you have questions are need further details, contact Messiah’s Music Director, LIndsey Rollins at or 405-946-0681.